Money Tree

9GreenBox - Rare Mini Pachira Five Braided Tree Bring Luck Pachira Houseplant Bonsai

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The Money Tree, or Pachira, is thought by respectable Feng Shui Masters to bring good luck and fortune to businesses and families. It is a tropical wet land tree native to Central and South American Swamps. In 1986, the popularity of these ornamental plants sky rocketed in Eastern Asia. These trees have the ability to grow up to 60 feet high in the wild. Good as a bonsai.
    9GreenBox - Rare Mini Pachira Five Braided Tree Bring Luck Pachira Houseplant Bonsai - 9GreenBox
    9GreenBox - Rare Mini Pachira Five Braided Tree Bring Luck Pachira Houseplant Bonsai - 9GreenBox
    9GreenBox - Rare Mini Pachira Five Braided Tree Bring Luck Pachira Houseplant Bonsai - 9GreenBox