THE SNAKE PLANT or Sansevieria pronounced (san-se-vi-ee’-ri-ah) a member of the Lily Family, popularly goes by other common names such as Mother-in-Law’s tongue and Bowstring-hemp. Historically, Sansevierias have been treasured in Chinese, African, Japanese and Brazilian cultures. In China, they were kept near entrances inside the home because it was believed that the eight virtues could pass through. In Africa, the plant was used to manufacture fiber, valued for its medicinal qualities, and used as a protective charm against bewitchment.
The snake plant got its name because of the wavy stripe pattern on its leaves and the shape and sharp margins of its leaves, highly resembling the sneaky serperts. Not only does the snake plant have roots in history, but it is also a popular decor element for a multitude of spaces.
Snake plants are highly durable plants that is ridiculously hard to kill. It can survive low light levels, drought, and generally being ignored. They will even reward your neglect by helping to clean the air in your home. The durability of Sansevieria makes it an excellent choice for apartment dwellers that often have limited success with houseplants due to lighting issues. Basically, you have to work really hard to kill sansevieria!
Aspect of Care: |
Ideal Conditions: |
Lighting |
Snake plants are very hardy options that are easy to care for. While they can withstand full sun and handle low light, indirect sunlight is ideal for a snake plant. |
Soil Conditions |
Tight pots to grow in are best. Cramped quarters are preferred. |
Temperature |
Conditions ranging from 55 – 85℉ are fine for sansevieria, however, they prefer warmer temperatures. Temperatures below 50℉ can cause them harm. |
Watering |
Snake plant can easily rot so make sure the soil is well-drained and don’t water it too much (especially in winter). Allow the soil to dry in between waterings. As they originate from arid deserts, these plants do well in sandier soils. A good soaking every 2 to 3 weeks is enough. Let the soil dry out in between. |
Fertilizer |
A small amount of fertilizer during the warmer months of the year. |
The Snake plant purifies air by absorbing toxins through the leaves and producing pure oxygen. In fact, the Sansevieria is an ideal bedroom plant. Whereas most other plants release carbon dioxide at night (in the absence of photosynthesis), the Sansevieria continues to produce oxygen.
The snake plant can bring very helpful feng shui energy when needed in specific areas of a home or office as it has strong protective energies. These spiky plants are excellent for shielding you against negative Chi, but their aggressive energy means you need to place them where they’re not in highly-trafficked areas of your home. It’s a perfect expression of upward, growing chi. The strong wood energy cuts through negative or stagnant energy. The best position to place the plants in your office or home is a place that is enriched by the plant's Wood element. Southeastern, Southern, and Eastern corners are the best feng shui spots to place your plants.